Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Is it summer vacation yet?

We have four and a half weeks left of school, and they seem to really be dragging on. Ugh... Hopefully the next couple weeks go fast because they are jam packed.

Blaine's still in the fields ( well not right now because we've had much needed rain lately) But, he's still not finished. Which works out great for LJ and I because we get to spend time with Daddy.

We've got a visit from the case worker on Friday, Mom's birthday is also Friday, dinner for her bday on Saturday, Mother's Day on Sunday...and so on....

Next week Landon goes to the doctor for his 4 month checkup. I'm excited to get his "stats" and see how she thinks he's growing. I'll update after that visit.

We have a court date on the 19th. Blaine and I were just talking today about how we can't wait for Landon to "officially" be ours. We can't wait until we don't have to worry about court dates, case worker visits, background checks, etc. We are ready to just be a family. Not that we aren't already a family. But we are ready for the Ts to be crossed and the Is to be dotted.

That's all for now, Blaine is out mowing and weed-eating to get ready for Friday. I'm typing. And Landon is taking a nap in his bouncy seat right next to me. It doesn't get much better than this.

The Yaggies


Professor Ladybug said...

You're right. It doesn't get much better---except it will be perfect once it is official! Can't wait.

~SHANNON~ said...

Awww, what a sweet domestic scene! Sounds like things are coming together for you! Congrats on Landon! I'm stopping by from "Mom Loop- Friday Follow" - I'm your newest follower! Hope you'll check out my blog too!

Looking forward to getting to know you on Mom Loop!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like that you have things just right. I hope things are finalized soon. Stopping from Mom Loop to follow.

S.I.F. said...

So is everything finalized on the 19th then?!? So exciting!

Anonymous said...

What special people you are to adopt Landon! How very excited you both must be. I'm stopping in from Mom Loop Friday Follow.


Hilary Yaggie said...

Thanks for all the comments ladies!!

The adoption won't be final on the 19th. Hopefully by the end of June tho! At least that's what we are shooting for :o)