It's been a crazy month.
I'm going to give you highlights because, to be completely honest, I'm too tired to type paragraphs about everything.
~Meg had spur of the moment surgery to remove a large cyst on her ovary.
~Blaine put in his 2 weeks notice at
~I made a sudden trip to Immediate Care...
~Blaine started his training at Tate and Lyle North :)
~I had a CT Scan.
~Landon had his doctors apt to recheck his hearing. He passed with flying colors :)
~We have a new baby NEPHEW!!!
~I was
referred to a Lung doc and scheduled for breathing tests
~We finally found out what is wrong with me and I'm going to be just fine...
Needless to say, it's been kind of a crazy month for us. Things are going well for us now though. Blaine started his new job and is much happier. We have new things to talk about and it's way more fun to talk about a new job than to hear him complain every night about the same people mistreating him all the time. Landon is changing everyday. He's so busy.
We finally found out what's been going on with me. I have
Sarcoid. It explains why I have had so many joint aches and pleurisy. It's kind of hard to explain but it's not life threatening. I'll be fine. It should go away on it's own, but my doctor wants me to come back in 4 weeks to check everything out to make sure. :)
Landon had his 15 month check up this week. He weighs 24lbs. He's eating everything in sight, running everywhere, constantly keeping us on our toes, speaking so clearly it's awesome. He says tractor, juice, socks, Ma Ma,
Da Da, Papa, shoes, horse, dog, up, ball, mine, no, uh oh. night night, bye bye, hi. I can't even remember all the words because he's talking so much now. He's slowing starting to learn how to drink from a cup. He puts his hands together when we pray. :) Is a big help at dinner time. He will take plates and cups over to the table when we ask. My baby is growing up so fast. I want to cherish every minute. He still likes to snuggle with mommy. And I don't mind either :)
We welcomed Carson Levi
Ripberger into our family on Monday, April 25!! He weighed in at 7lbs 11oz and 21 inches long. :) We are going to go down to see him this weekend.
Makenna said she wanted us to come to their house so Landon could play with her while we played with Carson. We can't wait!!
Anyway, that's kind of a little glimpse of what's been going on in our lives. Hope everyone is having a great week :)